
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Art Deco Outside North America

Art Deco was born in France in the 1920's. Even its name is French, coined by La Corbusier in his article 1925 Expos: Arts Déco for the Exposition Internationale des Arts Déccoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris in that same year.

It therefore only makes sense that much of the world's Art Deco architectural masterworks should be found outside of North America. The real surprise probably should have been that, as my earlier post notes, the United States and Canada are by far the richest source of Art Deco buildings. For works in the United States and Canada, please see my post on that subject by clicking here.

For a summary of what Art Deco architecture is all about, please click on the following link to read my post "What IS Art Deco? A Little Background.

International Art Deco Architects

Art Deco may have been named by La Corbusier in 1925 in France, but its proponents were from across the globe. Moreover, Art Deco was a worldwide movement, as this list shows. As expected some of the most important works are in Europe.

That said, France, the birthplace of the movement, is not as rich a center of its architecture as many other nations in Europe. French Art Deco architects include Léon Baille (best known for his Belvédère du Rayon Vert in Cerbère), the Russian-born Charlotte Perriand (one of the few women architects of the era, known for the Barbara Hamilton House in Rabouillet and her innovative apartments on Rue Casimir Pinel Apartments in Neuilly-sur Seine), and Auguste Bluysen (best-known for his Casino du Lac at Bagnole-de-l'Orne).

Two other French architects-- Auguste Rendu and Henri Paul Pierre Sajous--  created one of Latin America's best-known Art Deco buildings: the Biarritz Building in Rio de Janeiro. Another Frenchman -- the Polish French sculptor Paul Landowski -- was responsible for another Brazilian Art Deco icon: the Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking Rio. Landowski worked with Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa on the largest Art Deco statue in the world.
Christ the Redeemer.
Rio de Janeiro

Plinio Botelho do Aramal's
Bank of São Paulo Building

Brazil itself had several important contributors to the Art Deco movement. Gilson Gladstone Navarro introduced the Marajoara ancient cuture into Casa Marajoara creating the Marajoara Deco style.

Other major Brazilian Art Deco architects include Plínio Botelho do Amaral was the architect behind the Bank of São Paulo (today the Altino Arantes Building), for decades that cities tallest building. Plinio Botelho do Amaral also collaborated with (the future modernist architect Alfonso Eduardo Reidy to create Rio's Fórum Ministro Arnaldo Süssekind skyscraper. Raphael Galvão (another future modernist) designed Rio's Roxy Theater as well as the Casa Cavé and Cine Ipanema. Eduardo Pederneiras and Ernesto G. Fontes on Rio's Paysandú Hotel.

Rino Levi's Porchat Building, São Paulo
Rino Levi in his early works contributed several buildings to the Art Deco movement (although he would later become among the most preeminent modernists). Among Levi's most notable Art Deco works are São Paulo's Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, Guarani Building, Higienopolis Building, Niccolau Schlisser Building, Porchat Building and Cine Ipiranga. Levi also was among the first to bring Art Deco further north with his Ufo-Palacio Cinema and Cine Arte-Palacio both in Recife.

Other major Brazilian architects of Rio's Carioca Art Deco era include Arnaldo Gladosch (Itahy Building), Carlos Porto and Caio Moacyr (Petronio Building), Mario Santos Maia (Regional Labor Court) and  Leopoldo Queiroz (Copacobana's Brasil Building).

Archibald Leitch's Arsenal Stadium, London
in its original form
Scotland's Archibald Leitch was famous as the designer of British football stadiums, most in the Art Deco style. These include Goodison Park of Everton F.C. in Walton, Crystal Palace F.C.'s Selhurst Park in South Norwood, and his masterpiece of Arsenal Stadium which was home of Highbury North London's Arsenal F.C. until 2006.  While some of Arsenal Stadium remains evident, the historic building was repurposed and largely remade as a housing development in that same year.

Other British Art Deco architects include England's premier cinema designer George Coles and Joseph Sunlight (the latter known both as the architect of the so-called Sunlight House in Manchester, but also as a Liberal Member of Parliament for Shrewsbury).

Scotland's Thomas Smith Tait designed St. Andrew's House (the seat of Scotland's government) as well as the pylons of Australia's iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. Other Tait works include Fleet Street's Daily Telegraph Building  and Selfridge's Department Store both in London as well as the eponymous Tait Tower in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow.
Arthur Oakley Coltman's
Market Square Clock Tower, Kuala Lumpur

English architect Arthur Oakley Coltman brought Art Deco to Malaysia, then a colony of the British Empire. Coltman produced a long list of major works including Kuala Lumpur's iconic Market Square Clock Tower. Other works of Coltman's in Kuala Lumpur include the Oriental Building, the Lee Rubber Building (Nan Yi Building), the Odeon Theatre and the Anglo-Oriental Building. 

Louis Hay's Central Fire Station
Napier, New Zealand
now the Deco Centre of Napier
Napier, New Zealand is one of the main centers of Art Deco architecture in the world, and for an unusual twist of fate.  Napier was struck by a devastating earthquake in 1931. Because of its near total destruction, New Zealand's architect converged on the city and brought Art Deco there along with them.

New Zealand's premier Art Deco architects were Louis Hay and E. A. Williams.

Louis Hay's works in Napier include Halsbury Chambers, Hawkes Bay Museum, the National Tobacco Company Building, Anderson & Hansen Motors, the Hildebrandt Building, Parkers Chambers, the Abbots Building and the AMP Building (now home to the New Zealand Wine Center).  Hay's Napier Central Fire Station has even been converted into the city's Deco Centre, for preserving its rich Art Deco architectural heritage.

E. A. William's Masson House
Napier, New Zealand
Just as prolific to the Napier Art Deco reconstruction as Louis Hay was New Zealand's E. A. Williams. Some of his major architectural works in Napier include the Daily Telegraph Building, Daslgety's Building, the Scinde Building, Harston's Music Shop, Masson House, Hawkes Bay Chambers, the Fenwick Building, the Crown Hotel and the Criterion Hotel.

J. T. Watson's
Loo Kee & Co. Building, Napier
Other Art Deco architects from New Zealand also contributed to the Napier Art Deco rebuilding. These include J. T. Mair (designer of the Napier Post Office Building and its Telegraph Exchange), H. Alfred Smith (architect of the Kidsons Building and Smith &
Chambers Trust Building), J. T. Watson (architect of the Napier Municipal Theatre, Thackeray House and the Loo Kee & Company Building) and and Edmund Anscombe (creator of the New Zealand Shipping Company Building and the Union Hotel).

Béla Jánszky and Tibor Szivessy's
Uranaia Nemzeti Cinema, Budapest
 In Hungary, Art Deco found resistance as Hungarians clung to the Art Nouveau of the now-collapsed Austro-Hungarian Empire. The irony of clinging to Art Nouveau (the NEW art) as a way of holding on to the old is noteworthy. That said, even in this atmosphere, Art Deco surfaced in the work of Béla Jánszky  and Tibor Szivessy. The two collaborated on a number of Art Deco buildings in Budapest including the Puskin Cinema, the Urania Nemzeti Cinema, the 82 Radnóti Miklós Street Building and the Kossuth Lajos Secondary School.Other Hungarian Art Deco architects include Béla  Hofstätter and Ferenc Domány who collaborated on Budapest's Odeon Lloyd Egyptian Theatre, and Lajos Kozma who designed the Art Deco Kner-Villa.

Another Hungarian architect, László Hudec, was responsible for many Art Deco buildings but not Hungary but in Shanghai. Hudec's works in Shanghai includes the Park Hotel, Paulun Hospital, the Wukang Building (formerly Normandie Apartments) among others.

Tuchinski Theater, Amsterdam
The most famous Art Deco building in the Netherlands is Amsterdam's Tuschinski Theater, among the most beautiful theaters in the world. The architectural genius behind the the building was Hijman Louis de Jong whose life was sadly cut short when he and the man who commissioned it -- Abraham Icek Tuschinski -- were both murdered at Auschwitz by the Nazis for the crime of being Jews (the theater was temporarily renamed "the Tivoli" under the Germans to rid it of its "Jewish name").  When de Jong's Tuschinski Theater opened in 1921, it was one of the earliest examples of what would become Art Deco in its transition from what had been Art Nouveau.

The Dutch architect Jans Bilsen was the architect of Drie Hoefijzers Building in Breda. Also from the Netherlands was Jan Duiker who in his early work produced several Art Deco buildings before his own transition to the sparser New Objectivity (or Nieuwe Zakelijkheid) Movement which he helped
Jan Duiker and Bernard Bijvoet's
Zonnestraal Sanatorium, Hilversum

found. These include the Cineac Cinema in Amsterdam and, in collaboration with Bernard Bijvoet, the Zonnestraal Sanatorium in Hilversum. 

Albert Aalbers' Savoy Homann Hotel,
Bandung, Indonesia
Also from the Netherlands came Albert Aalbers, Henri Maclaine-Pont and Wolff Schoemaker who together transformed Bandung, Indonesia (then part of the Dutch East Indies) into an Art Deco highpoint. Aalbers' work in Baudung includes the Savoy Homann Hotel, DENIS Bank and (south of Bandung at Garut) the Grand Hotel Ngamplang.

Henri Maclaine-Pont (Dutch despite the rather un-Dutch name) was a major proponent of blending local culture into Art Deco architectural styles. This is exemplified by his so-called "Tropical Dutch" buildings on the campus of ITB (Bandung Technical Institute).  Maclaine-Pont intentionally used local materials and indigenous roof design mixed with the "ultimate bungalow" villas of the San Francisco architects Julia Morgan and Bernard Maybeck to created an Art Deco, Javanese bungalow for non-residential use.

Henri Maclaine-Pont's Tropical Dutch Art Deco
West Hall, Bandung Technical Institute
Wolff Schoemaker's Villa Isola
Schoemaker's Preanger Hotel is classic Art Deco while his Pasteur Institute of Indonesia begins to bring elements of local Javanese art and building design into a still primarily Art Deco building. It is with his masterwork --Villa Isola -- that Schoemaker fully combined Art Deco with Indonesian influences. This Indonesian influence is evident in many areas from small ornamentation to the roof design mimicking Sumatran local roofs. Most notably, the structure of the building and layout of the gardens contain both the the circular forms of Art Deco with an intentional echo of the ancient Candi temples in the eastern half of the island.  Schoemaker's Villa Isola is often noted as the premier example of Indonesian Art Deco.

Juan Nakpil's Quezon Hall
University of the Philippines, Manila
Juan Nakpil --  called the "Father of Philippine Architecture" --was the premier Filipino architect of the Art Deco period. His works include the Rizal Shrine at Intramuros, the Captain Pepe Building and Capital Theater in Manila, and his Art Deco masterpiece Quezon Hall Administration Building at the University of the Philippines.

Another major Filipino Art Deco architects is Juan Arellano, architect of the Cebu Provincial Capitol. Arellano also co-designed with fellow Filipino Art Deco architect Pablo Antonio Manila's National Museum of the Philippines (former Legislative Building).

Other Art Deco architects from outside North America include Viktor Sulčič, Giuseppe Pettazzi, and Michel Polak. Argentina's Art Deco heritage is largely the work of the Slovenian-born Viktor Sulčič, creator of La
Giuseppe Pettazzi's
FIAT-Tagliero station
Asmara, Eritrea
Bombonera Stadium and the Abasto mall.  Pettazzi was the leading architect responsible for converting the then-Italian colony of Eritrea into an Art Deco center. His FIAT-Tagliero in Asmara is a classic Art Deco work.  Switzerland's Michel Polak was best known for his Europa Building in Brussels.

In Turkey, Art Deco represented the new Kemalist state as opposed to the old Ottoman Empire it replaced. As the new nation's capital moved from the old capital of Istanbul to the new one at Ankara, Art Deco architecture came with it. This is most visible in Şevki Balmumcu's Ankara Opera House and Şekip Akalinis' Central Rail Station in Ankara.

Moreover, many of the most important sites of Art Deco are neither in North America nor Europe, but rather in Asia and the Pacific. Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines are all major centers of Art Deco building. Perhaps the most out-of-the-way center of Art Deco work is in Eritrea, a result of the Italian heritage.

Shell-Mex Building, Buenos Aires
This post attempts to provide what are in my opinion (and that is the sole arbiter here, I am afraid), some of the most notable Art Deco architecture outside the United States (listed in alphabetic order by nation).

in Argentina
Abasto Shopping Complex, Buenos Aires
La Bombonera Soccer Stadium, Buenos Aires
Mariano Moreno Bus Terminal, Rosario
Methodist Temple, Buenos Aires
Shell-Mex Building, Buenos Aires

in Australia

-- in New South Wales
Anzac War Memorial, Sydney
Charing Cross Hotel, Waverley, NSW
Albury Hotel, Sydney
Australian Provincial Assurance Building, Sydney
AWA Building, Sydney
Berlei Building, Sydney
Burley Griffin Incinerator, Sydney
Capitol Theatre, Sydney
Charing Cross Hotel, Waverly
Chevra Kedisha Synagogue, Woollahra
Circular Quay Railway Station, Sydney
Grace Building, Sydney
Holy Cross Church, Woollahra
Hotel Broadway, Sydney
Sydney Harbour Bridge
King George V Memorial Hospital, Camperdown
Kinselas Chapel, Darlington
Kinselas Hotel, Darlington
Majestic Theatre, Newtown
Metro Cinema at King's Cross, Sydney
Metro Theatre, Sydney
Peek Frean Biscuit Factory, Ashfield
Randwick Ritz, Randwick
Ritz Cinema, Sydney
Roxy Theatre, Leeton
St. James Theatre, Sydney
State Theatre Building, Sydney
Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney
Wroxton Building, Sydney
Wychbury Apartments, Sydney

Canberra House
-- in Australian Capital Territory
Ainslee Primary School, Canberra
Australian War Memorial, Canberra
Canberra High School, Acton
Canberra House, Canberra
Canberra School of Art, Canberra
Manuka Swimming Pool, Canberra
Patent Office, Canberra

Ambassador Hotel, Mackay
-- in Queensland
Ambassador Hotel, Mackay
Aroneys House, Mackay
Australian Hotel, Mackay
Belmore Arms, Mackay
Chaseley House, Mackay
Empire Theatre, Toowoomba
Forgan Smith Building, University of Queensland, Brisbane
Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Mackay
Mackay Post Office
Hotel Mackay, Mackay
Johnson Shire Council Hall, Innisfail
Mackay Post Office, Mackay
Mother of Good Counsel Church, Innisfail
Pioneer Shire Office, Mackay
Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane
Town Hall, Southport
Wide Bay Australia House, Mackay

-- in South Australia
Hindmarsh Town Hall
Brighton Council Municipal Building, Brighton
Capri Theatre, Goodwood
Gilbert Place Apartments, Adelaide
Greenways Residence, Prospect
Hindmarsh Town Hall, Hindmarsh
Holdfast Bay Civic Centre, Holdfast Bay (Brighton)
Light Buildings, Adelaide
Port Adelaide Council Offices, Port Adelaide
Roxy Theatre, Everard Park, Adelaide
West Torrens District Council Offices, Adelaide

-- in Tasmania
Holyman House, Launceston
Star Theatre (St. Vincent de Paul Society), Invermay

Newspaper House, Melbourne
--in Victoria
Lyric House, Melbourne
Majorca Building, Melbourne
Manchester Unity Building Melbourne
Mandalay Flats, St. Kilda
Newspaper House, Melbourne
Palais Theatre, St. Kilda
Soldiers Memorial, Kangaroo Flats
T&G Building, Horsham
Young's Milk Bar, Melbourne

Edith Cowan Memorial, Perth

-- in  Western Australia
Astor Theatre, Mount Lawley
Beverley Town Hall, Beverley
Como Theatre (now Cygnet Theatre), Como
Edith Cowan Memorial, Perth
Gledden Building, Perth
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco
Luna Leederville (formerly New Oxford Theatre), Leederville
Plaza Theatre and Arcade, Perth
Regal Theatre, Subiaco
Royal Western Australian Institute for the Blind, Maylands
Windsor Cinema, Nedlands
Windsor Cinema, Perth

in Austria (more a merger of Art Deco and Art Nouveau called Jugendstil)
Karlsplatz Underground Pavilions, Vienna
Majolica house at the Naschmarkt, Vienna
Postparkasse, Vienna
Secession Building, Vienna
Victor Horta Museum, Brussels

in Belgium 
Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Brussels
Boerentoren (or Farmer's Tower), Antwerp
Clockarium, Schaerbeek
Europa Building, Brussels
Victor Horta Museum, Brussels
Hotel Solvay, Brussels
Hotel Tassel, Brussels
Hotel Van Eetvelde, Brussels
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten (Flemish) or Palais des Beaux-Arts (French), Brussels
Villa Empain, Brussels

in Bolivia
Mirador de la Ricoleta Church, Sucre
President Arce Station, Sucre
Teatro Gran Mariscal, Sucre

in Brazil
Altino Arantes Building (Bapespa or Bank of São Paulo), São Paulo
Christ the Redeemer
Rio de Janeiro

Art Deco Institute, Rio de Janeiro
Biarritz Building, Rio de Janeiro
Brasil Building - Copacobana, Rio de Janeiro
Casa Cavé, Rio de Janeiro
Casa Marajoara, Rio de Janeiro
Central Train Station of Brazil, Rio
Christ the Redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro
Cine Arte-Palacio, Recife
Cine Ipanema, Rio de Janeior
Cine Ipiranga, São Paulo
Fórum Ministro Arnaldo Süssekind, Rio de Janeiro
Guahy Apartment Building, Rio de Janeiro
Guarani Building, São Paulo
 Paysandú Hotel, Rio de Janeiro
Higienopolis Building, São Paulo
Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, São Paulo
Itahy Building, Rio de Janeiro
Marechal Duque de Caxias Building, Rio de Janeiro
Niccolau Schlisser Building,São Paulo  
Paysandú Hotel, Rio de Jaineiro
Petronio Building, Rio de Janeiro
Porchat Building, São Paulo
Praça Sete de Setembro, Belo Horizonte
Regional Labor Court, Rio de Janeiro
Roxy Theater, Rio de Janeiro
Ufa-Palacio Cinema, Recife

in Chile
Cine Real, Puerto Varas

Peace Hotel, Shanghai
in China
Bank of China Building, Shanghai
Cathay Theater, Shanghai
Custom House, Shanghai
Empire Mansions Apartment Complex, Shanghai
Lincang Cinema, Lincang
Park Hotel, Shanghai
Paulun Hospital, Shanghai
Peace Hotel, Shanghai
Savoy Apartments, Shanghai
Shanghai Power and Light Building, Shanghai
Tsinghua University Admin Building, Beijing
Wukang Building, Shanghai

in Colombia
Cine Teatro Boyaca, Tunja
Teatro Faenza, Bogata

in Cuba
Bacardi Building, Havana
Casa de las Americas, Havana
Lopez Serrano Building, Havana
Prado Building, Havana
Pallas Cinema, Nicosia

in Cyprus
Limassol Town Hall, Limassol
Pallas Cinema, Nicosia
Sokrates Hotel, Kyrenia

in Denmark
Grundtvig Kirke, Copenhagen
Richhuset, Copenhagen
Stærekassen, Copenhagen

in England
Apollo Victoria Theatre, London
Arsenal Stadium, London (demolished in 2006)
Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham
Carreras Cigarette Factory, London
Battersea Power Station, London
BBC Broadcasting Building, London
Daily Telegraph Building
Fleet Street, London
Burgh Island Hotel, Burgh Island, Devon
Carreras Cigarette Factory, London
Daily Express Manchester Building, Manchester
Daily Telegraph Fleet Street Building, London
Du Cane Court, London
Eltham Palace, London
Florin Court, London
Gaumont State Theatre-Kilman, London
Norwich City Hall, Norwich
Redfern Building, Manchester
Odeon Theatre at Leicester Square, London
Plaza Cinema, Stockport
Queens Hotel, Leeds
Redfern Building, Manchester
Royal Institure of British Architects, London
Saint Olaf House, London
Selfridge's Department Store, London
Senate House - Bloomsbury, London
Southampton Civic Centre, Southampton
Sunlight House, Manchester

Cohan's Villa, Asmara
Eritrea's capital is a major Art Deco center
in Eritrea
Albergo Italia, Asmara
Alfa Romeo Building, Asmara
Avram Villa, Asmara
Cema Impero, Asmara
Cinema Capital
Cinema Decemhare, Decemhare
Cohan's Villa, Asmara
FIAT Tagliero Station, Asmara
Irga Building
Casa del Fascio (former Fascist HQ), Keren
Odeon Bar, Asmara
Selam Hotel, Asmara
Shell Garage, Asmara
Villa Laila, Asmara
Villa Grazia, Asmara

 Belvédère du Rayon Vert, Cerbère
in France
3 Rue Casimir Pinel Apartments, Neuilly-sur Seine
Atlantic Hotel, Cherbourg
Barbara Hamilton House, Rabouillet
Belvédère du Rayon Vert, Cerbère
Carnegie Library, Reims
Casino de Vittel, Vittel
Casino du Lac, Bagnole-de-l'Orne
Contréxeville Station, Contréxeville
 EDF Central Hydroelectric Plant, Bâthie  (Rhône-Alpes)
Gare de Rouen Rue Verte, Rouen
Génissiat Dam, Injoux-Génissiat (Rhône-Alpes)
Grand Magasins Ratti, Cherbourg
Grand Rex Cinema, Paris
La Normandy Cinema, Touquet-Paris-Plage
Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris
Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Piscine due Tennis Club, Reims
Saint Jean-Baptiste Church, Bagnole-de-l'Orne
Sainte Jeanne-d'Arc Church, Nice
Théâtre de la Michodière, Paris
Trans-Atlantic Station, Cherbourg
Villa Magdalena Bénodet
 Borsigturm, Berlin

in Germany
Aussichtsturm Rotehornpark, Magdeburg
Beckerturn, St. Ingbert (Saarland)
Borsigturm, Berlin
Chilehaus, Hamburg
Davidwache Police Station, Hamburg
Geschwister Scholl Schule, Ludwigshafen
Handelshof, Lübeck
Hauptkirche-Sonnborn, Wupertal
Holy Cross Church, Gelsenkirchen
Maarmuseum, Manderscheid
Museum of Art and Cultural History (MKK), Dortmund
 Stormarnhaus, Hamburg
Rheinhallen Exposition Hall, Cologne
Rudolf Mosse Publishing House, Berlin
Senate of Finance Building, Bremen
Sprinkenhof, Hamburg
Stormarnhaus, Hamburg
Titania-Palast Theater, Berlin
Ullsteinhaus, Berlin
Tietz Department Store, Düsseldorf
Tonhalle, Düsseldorf
Villa Obenauer, Saarbrücken
Wilhelm-Marx-Haus (formerly Düsseldorf Stock Exchange; Europe's 1st skyscraper), Düsseldorf
Wilhelmshaven City Hall, Wilhelmshaven
Gutierrez BuildingQuetzaltenango, Guatemala
in Greece
Aquarium, Rhodes
National Theater (former Teatro Puccini), Rhodes
Town Hall, Kos

in Guatemala
Gutierrez Building, Quetaltenango
La Perla Building, Guatemala City

in Hungary
Fasori Reformed Church, Budapest
Puskin Cinema, Budapest, Budapest
Urania Nemzeti Cinema, Budapest

in Iceland
Akureyrarkirkja, Akureyi
Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik

in India
Art Deco Palace, Morbi
Ayanat House, Kerala
Bina Cinema, Kolkata
Casino Theatre, Chennai
Damador Mangalji Building, Panjim
Cine Metropole, Margão
Cine Vishant, Margão
Connemara Hotel (Taj Connemara), Chennai
Curimji House, Mumbai
Damador Mangaliji, Panjim
Dossa Mansion, Mumbai
Empress Court Building, Mumbai
Eros Cinema, Mumbai
Firuz Ara, Mumbai
Green Fields Building, Mumbai
Hotel Sunderban, Pune
Imperial Hotel, Delhi
India Merchants Chamber, Mumbai
Industrial Assurance Building, Mumbai
Ivanhoe Building, Mumbai
Ivorine Building, Mumbai
Jeevan Prakash, Mumbai
Keshari Talkies Cinema, Bhubaneswar
Laha Paint House, Kolkata
Leela Palace Hotel, Bangalore
Soona Majal, Mumbai
Liberty Cinema, Mumbai
Life Insurance Corporation, Chennai
Mandovi Hotel, Goa
Market Building Unit 2, Bhubaneswar
Metro Cinema, Mumbai
Mohn Mansion, Mumbai
New India Assurance Building, Mumbai
Oceana Building, Mumbai
Parry Building (EID Parry Headquarters), Chennai
Patiala Mall, Patiala
Pilar Seminary, Goa
Presentation Convent, Margão
Rajjab Mahal, Mumbai
Ram Mahal, Mumbai
Ravindra Mansion, Mumbai
Regal Cinema, Mumbai
Roxy Talkies, Kolkata
Rutton Manor, Mumbai
Sardar Samand Palace, Jodhpur
Shiv Shanti Bhuvan, Mumbai
Soona Majal, Mumbai
State Bank of Hyderabad Headquarters, Hyderabad
Telephone Bhavan, Kolkata
Umaid Bhawan, Jodhpur
United India House, Mumbai
Usha Kiran Palace Hotel, Gwalior
Wellesley House, Kolkata
Windsor House, Mumbai
Zohair Mansion, Kolkata

in Indonesia
Bandung Institute of Technology (West Wing and East Wing buildings), Bandung
Denis Bank Building, Bandung
Pasteur Institute of Indonesia, Bandung
Hotel Preanger, Bandung
Jakarta Kota Railroad Station, Jakarta
Merdeka Building, Bandung
Metropole Complex, Jakarta
Museum Bank Mandiri (former Handel Maatschappij Building, Jakarta
Pasteur Institute of Indonesia, Bandung
Pesar Gede Harjonagoro, Surakarta
Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung
Villa Isola, Bandung

in Ireland
Grafton Street Deco Tower (Nobletts Sweet Shop), Dublin
Gas Company Building, Dublin

in Italy (including Liberty Deco and Italian Fascist Deco, both controversially)
Balena Bathhouse, Versilia
Caffé Concerto Eden, Versilia
Central Train Station, Milan
Cinecittà, Rome
Grand Caffé Margherita, Versilia
Mercato Centrale, Florence
Mining Museum (former Asproni Mining School), Iglesias (Sardinia)
Palazzo Piacentini (Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia), Reggio Calabria
Supercinema, Versilia
Teatro dell'Opera, Rome
Town Hall, Meran (South Tyrol)
Villa Argentina, Versilia
Villa Arrighi, Versilia
Villa Bramanti, Versilia

St. Luke's Hospital, Tokyo
in Japan
Institute of Medical Science Hospital, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
St. Luke's Hospital, Tokyo
Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (formerly Prince Yasuhiko Asaka Residence), Tokyo

in Kenya
Beneve Coffee House, Nairobi
Kenchic Inn, Nairobi
Sirona House, Nairobi

in Lithuania
Central Post Office, Kaunas
Kaunas Officers' House
National M. K. Ciurlionis Art Museum, Kaunas
Sacred Heart Church
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Pienocentras Headquarters Building, Kaunas
Vytauto Avenue 58 Residence, Kaunas
Vytautus the Great War Museum, Kaunas

in Luxembourg
13-17 Grand Rue, Luxembourg City
Ex-Rex-Esch on the Brillplatz, Esch-sur-Alzette
Hotel Alfa, Luxembourg City
Hotel de la Poste, Esch-sur-Alzette
Palais du Meuble Bonn Frères, Luxembourg City
Sacred Heart Church, Esch-sur-Alzette

Central Market, Kuala Lumpur
in Malaysia
Anglo-Oriental Building, Kuala Lumpur
Central Market, Kuala Lumpur
Coliseum Cinema, Kuala Lumpur
Lee Rubber Building (Nan Yi Building), Kuala Lumpur
Market Square Clock Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Odeon Theatre, Kuala Lumpur
Oriental Building, Kuala Lumpur
Penang Masonic Temple, George Town
Standard Chartered Building, George Town
UCBC Bank Building, George Town

in Malta
Muscat  Motors, Gzira
Phoenicia Hotel, Valetta

in Mexico
Coliseo, Puebla
Edificio Basurto, Mexico City
Edificio El Moro (National Lottery Building), Mexico City
Edificio Basurto, Mexico City
Edificio La Nacional, Mexico City
Edificio San Martín, Mexico City
El Pendùlo (bookstore, Avenida Nuevo Leon), Mexico City
Fuente de los Cántaros, Parque México, Mexico City
Lázaro Cárdenes Monument, Parque España, Mexico City
Monument to the Revolution, Mexico City
Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City
Parque México Clock, Mexico City
Plaza Popcatépal Fountain, Mexico City
Museo de Arte Popular, Mexico City

in Morocco
Jardin Majorelle
St. Peter's Cathedral, Rabat

 Drie Hoefijzers Building, Breda
in Mozambique
African Cinema, Maputo
Cine Teatro, Maputo

in the Netherlands
Cineac Cinema, Amsterdam
Drie Hoefijzers Building, Breda
Tuschinski Theater, Amsterdam
Zonnestraal Sanatorium, Hilversum

in New Zealand

-- in Napier
Abbots Building, Napier
AMP Building (now the New Zealand Wine Center), Napier
Anderson & Hansen Motors, Napier
AMP Building, Napier
Napier is a major Art Deco Centre
Criterion Hotel, Napier
Crown Hotel, Napier
Daily Telegraph Building, Napier
Daslgety's Building, Napier
Deco Centre (former Central Fire Station), Napier
Fenwick Building, Napier
Halsbury Chambers, Napier
Harston's Music Store, Napier
Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce, Napier
Hawkes Bay Museum, Napier
Hildebrandt Building, Napier
Loo Kee & Co. Building, Napier
Halsbury Chambers, Napier
Masson House, Napier
Napier Municipal Theatre, Napier
Napier Post Office, Napier
National Tobacco Company Building, Napier
Olympic Properties Building, Napier
Parkers Chambers, Napier
Provincial Hotel, Napier
Scinde Building, Napier
Telegraph Exchange, Napier
Thackeray House, Napier

-- Elsewhere in NZ outside Napier
Auckland Electric Power Board Substation, Auckland
Digby's Restaurant, Woodville
Hamilton Flats, Wellington
Leigh Buildings, Woodville
St. James Theatre, Wellington
Valma House, Wellington
Viaduct Quay Building, Auckland

in Norway
Student Society Building, Trondheim

in the Philippines
Balantawak Brewery, Valenzuela City
Bellevue Theater, Manila
Bulacan Provincial Capitol, Malolos
Calumpit Municipal Hall, Calumpit
Calumpit Municipal Hall
Capital Theater, Manila
Captain Pepe Building, Manila
Cebu Provincial Capitol, Cebu City
Clipper Hotel, Makati
Manila Adventist Medical Center, Manila Metropolitan Theater, Manila
Manila Jockey Club, Manila
National Museum of the Philippines (former Legislative Building), Manila
Quezon Bridge, Manila
Nielson Tower, Makati
Philippine Coast Guard Headquarters, Manila
Quezon Bridge, Manila
Quezon Hall, University of Philippines, Manila
Quezon Memorial Circle, Quezon City
Rizal Memorial Stadium, Manila
Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
San Carlos Seminary
Santa Ana Racetrack, Makati
Sariaya Municipal Building, Sariaya
Scottish Rite Temple, Manila

in Portugal
Cais do Sodré, Lisbon
Casa de Serralves, Oporto
Cinema Batalha, Oporto
National Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estatística), Lisbon
Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Our Lady of Fatima Church), Lisbon
Teatro Rivoli, Oporto

Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Lisbon

in Russia (the so-called "Soviet Deco" or "Stalinist Style")
Corintha Hotel, Saint Petersburg
Mayakovskaya Metro Station, Moscow
Detsky Mir, Moscow
Dynamo Building, Moscow
Hilton Moscow (former Leningradskaya Hotel), Moscow
Hotel Ukrania (Radisson Royal Hotel)
Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building, Moscow
Kudrinkskaya Square Building, Moscow
Mayakovskaya Metro Station, Moscow
Metropole Hotel, Moscow
Ministry Foreign Affairs Building, Moscow
Moscow State University Building, Moscow
Red Flag Factory, Saint Petersburg
Red Gates Administrative Building, Moscow

in Scotland

Luma Tower, Glasgow
Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen
Beresford Hotel, Glasgow
Luma Tower, Glasgow
Ravelston Garden, Edinburgh
St. Andrews House, Edinburgh
Tait Tower, Glasgow

in Spain
Banco de Valencia, Valencia
Casa Jueva de Valencia (Valencia Jewish House), Valencia
Cine Xine (Chinese Cinema), Barcelona
Mercado Central (Central Market), Valencia

in South Africa
Anglo-American Corporation Building, Johannesburg
Ansteys Tower, Johannesburg
Surrey Mansions, Durban
Barbican Building, Johannesburg
Benoni City Hall, Benoni
Berea Court, Durban
Chamber of Mines Building, Johannesburg
Chester House, Durban
Colonial Mutual, Durban
Colosseum Building, Capetown
Empire Court, Durban
Herschel Court, Capetown
Manhattan Court, Durban
Memorial Tower, Durban
Namaqua House, Capetown
Old Mutual Building, Capetown
Surrey Mansions, Durban
Waalburg Building, Capetown

in Switzerland
Griderhaus, Zurich
Democracy Monument, Bangkok
Palace of Nations, Geneva

in Thailand
Bangkok Central Post Office, Bangkok
Chalerm Krung Cinema, Bangkok
Democracy Monument, Bangkok
National Stadium, Bangkok
Royal Hotel, Bangkok
Rama I Bridge

in Turkey
Ankara Central Rail Station
Ankara Opera House

in Uruguay
Banco La Caja Ibrero, Montevideo
Cine Ambassador, Montevideo
Cine Trocadoro, Montevideo
Comando General de la Armada Building, Montevideo
Edificio Artigas, Montevideo
Ejido Cinema, Montevideo
Goyret Building, Montevideo
Instituti de Higiene, Montevideo
Lapido Palace, Montevideo
Mástil Building, Montevideo
Montevideo City Hall, Montevideo
Montevideo Clinical Hospital, Montevideo
Montevideo Customs House, Montevideo
Nelly Goitiño Auditorium, Montevideo
Palacio Diaz, Montevideo
Palacio Rinaldi, Montevideo
Palacio Salvo, Montevideo
Proamar Building, Montevideo

Swansea Guildhall
in Wales
Cardiff Central Rail Station, Cardiff
Coliseum Cinema, Porthmadog
Guildhall, Swansea
Morannedd Cafe, Cricceth
Odeon Cinema, Newport
Newport Civic Centre, Newport
Penarth Pier, Penarth
Welsh National Temple of Peace and Health, Cardiff


1925  Exposition Internationale des Arts Déccoratifs et Industriels Modernes poster:

Shell-Mex Building, Buenos Aires, Photo by David Thompson:

Plinio Botelho do Aramal's Bank of São Paulo Building, photo by Filipe Mostarda:

Rino Levi's Porchat Building, São Paulo:

Arsenal Stadium, London:

Tuchinski Theater, Photo by Amsterdam Municipal Department for the Preservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Sites (bMA):

Jan Duiker and Bernard Bijvoet's Zonnestraal Sanatorium, Hilversum, photo by Jannes Linders:

Albert Aalbers' Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia, photo by Jagawana:

Henri Maclaine-Pont's Tropical Dutch West Hall, Bandung Technical Institute, Photograph by Christian Wopperer:

Louis Hay's Deco Centre, Napier, New Zealand:

Market Square Clock Tower, KL:

E. A. Williams' Masson House, Napier New Zealand:

J. T. Watson's Loo Kee & Co. Building, Napier:

Juan Nakpil's Quezon Hall, photo by Krisela Jocson:

Charing Cross Hotel, Waverley, NSW: 

Sydney Harbour Bridge: Photo by J.J. Harrison:

Canberra House:

Ambassador Hotel, Mackay:

Mackay Post Office, photo by Oz_lightning:

Hindmarsh Town Hall, photo by de-collette, flickr:

Newspaper House, Melbourne:

Edith Cowan Memorial, Perth:

Victor Horta Museum, Brussels, Photo by Creative Lounge:

Christ the Redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro, Photo by JC Salmon:

Paysandú Building, Rio de Janeiro:

Peace Hotel, Shanghai:  

Pallas Cinema, Nicosia, Photo by Filippos-K:

Carreras Cigarette Factory, London, Photo by M@ggie on Panoramio:

Daily Telegraph Building, Fleet Street, London, photo by George Louis:,_England,_1974.jpg

Redfern Building, Manchester, Photo by Stephen Richards:,_Manchester.jpg

Cohan's Villa, Asmara, Eritrea:

Belvédère du Rayon Vert, Cerbère:

Borsigturm, Berlin, Photo by Hans G. Oberlack:

Stormarnhaus, Hamburg:

Gutierrez Building, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala:

Damador Magalji Building, Panjim, photo by José Lourenço:

Soona Majal, Mumbai:

Pasteur Institute of Indonesia:

St. Luke's Hospital, Tokyo, Photo by Bobak Ha'Eri:

Sacred Hearth Church, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, photo by Zinneke:Église_du_Sacré-Coeur_(Esch-sur-Alzette)#mediaviewer/File:Grenzer_Kierch_Esch-Uelzecht_2011-02.jpg

Central Market, Kuala Lumpur, Photo by Azreey:

Edificio Basurto, Mexico City:

Drie Hoefijzers Building, Breda, photo by Ossip van Duivenbrode:

AMP Building, Napier:

Halsbury Chambers, Napier:

Calumpit Municipal Hall, photo by Rene Langwerder:

Quezon Bridge, Photo by Adrian Biblanias:

Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Lisbon, Photo by Therese C.

Mayakovskaya Metro Station, photo by Yuri Degtarev:

Luma Tower, Glasgow, Photo by Darren Antrobus:

Surrey Mansions, Durban:

Democracy Monument, Bangkok, Photo by Sven Petersen:

Swansea, Guildhall, Wales:

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