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Colored powders used for Holi |
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Outsourced (2006) |
holiday featured prominently in the popular romantic comedy Outsourced. The film was released in 2006 and had the two leads Todd Anderson (played by Josh Hamilton) and Puro (played by Asif Basra) participating in Holi activities unwillingly at first and then with great enthusiasm.
Religiously, Holi is tied to the victory of Prahlad over the demon Holika, which in itself is a representation of the victory of good over evil. Holi takes its name from Holika.
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Prahlad and Holika in the fire |
Uttar Pradesh
The people of Mathura in Uttar Pradesh bill themselves as the "hub of Holi." This is because Uttar Pradesh is home to the birthplace of both Lord Krishna at Nandgaon and of his beloved Radha at Barsana. Since the entire tradition of throwing colored water and powders derives from the love story of Lord Krishna and Radha, it makes sense that at Holi their birthplaces would be major centers of pilgrimage as people travel there to venerate them
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Radha and her friends striking Lord Krishna with lathis |
Women from Radha's village of Barsana dress in traditional outfits for the holiday and carry lathis. These are long cane sticks of the same sort used in the martial arts of the same name.
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Lathmaar Holi in Barsana, Mathura |
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Thandai |
In the state of Gujarat people have a special tradition around buttermilk based on Lord Krishna's fondness for stealing unguarded buttermilk and butter from homes. A greeting unique to Gujarat for Holi is warn people to guard their butter and milk.
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In Gujarat, boys form human pyramids reach a buttermilk pot and become Holi King |
The title of Holi King is bestowed on the boy who is finally able to break open the pot and let the buttermilk come pouring out. In some villages, this is accompanied by an actual prize, but in many others, being named Holi King is prize enough.
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The Shigmo Parade in Panaji, Goa includes elaborate floats of Hindu dieties |
The state government of Goa funds many events for Shimgo in the capital city of Panaji. These include street dance performances, folk music and dance shows, and most importantly the Panaji Shigmo Parade with floats showing religious scenes related to the holiday. Many of the floats feature huge images of various Hindu deities, some mechanically operated to move and gesture. The parade includes a range of participants from all castes and cultures in the state. These include people performing various regional dances, flame-throwers, acrobats, brass bands, special marchers with colored umbrellas, and people dressed as various deities. This also includes men playing special large drums rolled on special carts and beaten from a distance with long handled sticks.
The state government of Goa sponsors Shigmo events for 14 days, including many outside of Panaji in other towns and in rural areas.
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Yaoshang Mei thaba, Burning of the huts, Manipur |
West Bengal and Bangladesh
In Bengali tradition, Holi is celebrated as Dol Purnima (or the Swing Festival) and, as mentioned above, with observance of a Basant-Utsav (or Vasanta Utsav, the Spring Festival).
The Bengal celebration of the holiday is somewhat unique in its dignified atmosphere in observing the holiday. In contrast to almost everywhere else in the Hindu world where Holi is celebrated with considerable abandon, for Bengal Dol's Purnima and Baasant-Utsav the atmosphere is more reserved and dignified.
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Dol Purnima Procession at Shntiniketan, West Bengal |
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Rabidranath Tagore |
Because Tagore was among the best-known Indians worldwide, the Basant Utsav attracted international attention from its very start. Today, Shantiniketan has become a center not only of Bengali celebration of Holi but as a major tourist destination from across India and beyond.
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Dance performance at Bishwabharati University |
Finally, at the end of the events, as with Holi celebrations elsewhere in India, the participants paint each other in brightly colored powders.
Nepal, the only officially Hindu nation, celebrates Holi for a full week. In Nepal, another name for the holiday is Phagu which is the name for a sacred red powder.
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Nepalese Chir |
The chir is tied to Lord Krishna and his teasing of young women. The Nepalese tradition tells of an incident where Lord Krishna came upon a group of young women all bathing in the Yamuna River in what they thought was total privacy. The mischievous deity then hung all of their clothing high in a tree well out of their reach. Some versions of the story say that the reason the women were all bathing at once was also related to a trick of Lord Krishna, who had covered them all with colored powder.
The festival culminates at the end of the week with the dousing of each other with colored water. In Nepal, the colored water is held in lolas (a type of water balloons) that people throw at family and friends. Finally, at the close of day on the last nigh of the festival, the chir is set on fire in a communal bonfire. The burning of the cloth strips serve as offerings for good luck.
As with all of these religious observance posts, this is meant only as informational. Nothing I have written here or in any of these blogs is intended to indicate what is or is not the proper way to worship or observe traditions.
Also, while I have researched these to the best of my ability, if I have made an error, please inform me. Finally, I am aware that Holi is a varied holiday and has many traditions that were not covered here. Please feel free to add your own traditions or thoughts at the end of this blog.
Happy Holi! Holi Hai!
Dey, Panchali (March 6, 2020), "Unique Holi traditions in North, East, West and South of India," Times Travel, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/things-to-do/unique-holi-traditions-in-north-east-west-and-south-of-india/articleshow/62996908.cms
"Holi," BBC Religions: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/holydays/holi_1.shtml
"Holi," Religion Facts.com: http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/holidays/holi.htm
"Holi," Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India: http://www.holifestival.org/
"Holi Customs," I Love India.com: http://festivals.iloveindia.com/holi/holi-customs.html
"Holi: Festival of Colours," The Colors of India: http://www.thecolorsofindia.com/holi.html
"Holi, The Festival of Colours," India Express.com: http://www.indiaexpress.com/rangoli/holi.html
"Holika Dahan -- the Bonfire or Lighting of Fire before Holi," Hindublog.com http://www.hindu-blog.com/2008/03/holika-dahan-2008-bonfire-or-lighting.html
"Shigmo in Panjim," Goacom: http://www.goacom.com/culture/religion/shigmo/
"Vasanta Utsav (or Basanta Utsab) and Holi," The Holiday Spot: http://www.theholidayspot.com/holi/vasanta_utsav.htm
Happy Holi: http://www.wiseshe.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Happy-Holi.png.jpg
Holi colored powders: http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/holidays/holi.htm
Outsourced (2006), IMDb, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425326/mediaviewer/rm2529705216/?ref_=tt_ov_i
Radha and her friends beat Lord Krishna lathis: http://www.bloggermoms.com/wp-content/uploads/holi-3.jpg
Lathmaar Holi in Barsana, Mathura: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2011/20110320/nat6.jpg
Thandai: http://www.rediff.com/getahead/slide-show/slide-show-1-specials-holi-recipes-thandai-dahi-vada-and-more/20110317.htm
Gujarat boys forming human pyramid: http://www.theholidayspot.com/holi/graphics/team.jpg
Tagore: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tagore3.jpg
Dance performance at Bishwabharati University: http://www.theholidayspot.com/holi/graphics/ghy3.jpg
Nepalese chir: http://www.nepalhomepage.com/society/festivals/fagupurnima.html
Holi Hai image: http://www.kamalascorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/holi-hai.jpg