
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Global Advances in Business Communication Journal's Inaugural Issue

I am delighted to announce the inaugural issue of the Global Advances in Business Communication (GABC) Journal. As Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, I wanted to announce it here on my blog. 

The GABC Journal is available for free on line at  


The GABC Journal is a peer-reviewed journal jointly published by the University of Antwerp, the Technological University of Malaysia and Eastern Michigan University.   I am the Editor-in-Chief. The Associate Editors are S. Paul Verluyten at the University of Antwerp and Hadina Habil of the Technological University of Malaysia.

The GABC Journal publishes original research on interdisciplinary business practices which shape and are shaped by the changing nature and level of global business communication.  To this end, the GABC Journal publishes articles that contribute to the knowledge, theory and practice of the global aspects of business communication in one or more of the following areas:
  •  International and cross-cultural business communication and negotiations
  • Global integrated marketing communication (IMC) and public relations
  • Global business ethics and communication (including international law, government-business relations)
  • Languages for business and managerial communication
  • E-Semantics*

*E-Semantics is a term coined for the GABC Journal referring to the cross-cultural, language-based international issues associated with search terms, string searches, social media expression, web design, web site user friendliness and electronic advertising keywords



This inaugural issue features five articles:

Ø      Jane Thompson Johansen (University of Southern Indiana) A Postmodern International Business Communication Model in Three-Dimensions  
Ø      Xiaofei Xu and Bertha Du-Babcock (City University of Hong Kong), "Impact of English-language Proficiency on Chinese Expatriates’ Adjustment to Overseas Assignments"  
Ø      Judith A. Ainsworth (University of Montreal), "Integrating Methods and Strategies from Language Teaching and Business Studies in Languages for Specific Business Purposes Courses"    
Ø      Ronald C. Cere (Eastern Michigan University) "Foreign Language Careers for International Business and the Professions  
Ø      Deborah Reed Scarfino, Kelli J. Schute, Christina Pryor and Tanna White Campbell (William Jewell College) "Effects of Culture and Education on Ethical Responses on Our Global Society"  


In addition to the five articles, this initial issue includes a special panel discussion interview that I conducted with 17 leading experts from around the world on the state of the field. The panel discussion contributors are:

·    Richard Babcock, University of San Francisco
·    Bertha Du-Babcock, City University of Hong Kong
·    Claire Babanoury, Wharton-Lauder at the University of Pennsylvania
·    Roger Conaway, ITESM San Luis Potosi, Mexico
·    Hadina Habil, UTM, Malaysia
·    Daphne Jameson, Cornell University
·    Naoki Kameda, Doshisha University, Kyoto
·    Orlando Kelm, University of Texas at Austin
·    Leena Louhiala-Salminen, Aalto University (formerly Helsinki School of Economics)
·    Banikanta Mishra, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, India
·    Priscilla Rogers, University of Michigan
·    Sheila Sasser, Eastern Michigan University
·    Ayseli Usluata, Yeditepe University, Istanbul
·    Joo-Seng Tan, Nanyang University, Singapore
·    Barry Thatcher, New Mexico State University (and Edito-in-Chief of the Journal of Rhetoric, Professional Communication, and Globalization )
·    Iris Varner, Illinois State University
·    S. Paul Verluyten, University of Antwerp
 This is an exciting collection of insights from some of the greatest minds interested in the subject.


The GABC Journal welcomes articles in all rigorous research methods including both qualitative, theoretical modeling and quantitative approaches.

The GABC Journal applies masked reviews in which an editor and at a minimum of two subject-related experts examine submitted manuscripts.


Now that the first issue is out, the GABC Journal is looking for its next issue of original articles (not under consideration elsewhere). This would be
·        Traditional scholarly studies of 15-35 double-spaced pages, excluding references, notes, and appendices.
·        Commentaries of 10-14 pages, excluding references, notes, and appendices.

Quantitative manuscripts must report estimates of reliability for all dependent measures, variance accounted for in tests of significance, and power estimates when tests fail to achieve significance. Content analysis employing quantitative measures should note intercoder reliability. Survey research should describe the sampling frame (relevant population), sampling method, sample unit, and response rate. Qualitative research must note standards used to insure the quality and verification of the presented interpretation.

All manuscripts must be in English, following the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). You may use either U.S. or British spelling, but use U.S. punctuation.  Authors must remove all personal and institutional identification from the body of the submission.

For further information and more detailed guidelines or to submit a manuscript, please go to the main site for the journal at    
Please do submit.


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